Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wild Horse: A Melodic Tapestry of Authenticity and Eclectic Sounds

Wild Horse's origin story is as serendipitous as it is inspiring. Formed during their schooldays, the band's roots lie in the shared musical experiences of its members at a "Rock School" club. The trio, comprising of brothers and a schoolmate, found a natural synergy in their passion for music, with each bringing a unique flavor to the mix. The band's name, Wild Horse, reflects not just their unrestrained and spirited style, but also their homage to the rock legends of the past.

Musical Philosophy: The Unbridled Sound of Diversity

At the heart of Wild Horse's ethos is a non-genre approach to music. They thrive on a diverse repertoire, drawing inspiration from the Beatles to Hendrix, and from classical to contemporary sounds. This eclectic taste is evident in their music, which refuses to be pigeonholed into a single genre. Instead, Wild Horse creates a vibrant tapestry of sounds, resonating with a wide range of audiences.

The song 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT DISTRACTIONS' by Wild Horse was born from a mix of youthful exploration and a startling incident. Conceived during the band's university days, it was inspired by an encounter that happened while the songwriter was waiting to meet someone and was mugged at knifepoint. Interestingly, the song focuses more on the relationship dynamics of that night rather than the mugging itself.

Wild Horse's journey is a testament to the power of authentic expression and musical diversity. Their story is one of continuous evolution, unyielding passion, and a deep connection with their audience, making them a unique and influential presence in the music world.

Song Genesis and Conceptualization

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT DISTRACTIONS'? How did this concept evolve during the songwriting process?

I wrote the song about 2 years ago when I was at Uni and enjoying being single and exploring those areas of adult life that had become available to me by living away from home for the first time. I wrote it after being mugged at knifepoint one night whilst I was waiting for someone to meet me. I ended up grabbing a guitar the next day and coming out with the song. For some reason I wrote it about the situation I had with the person I was seeing the night before as opposed to the whole being mugged thing. I don’t know why but that’s what came out. 


Could you discuss the thematic elements and lyrical depth of 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT DISTRACTIONS'? What message or experience are you aiming to convey to your listeners through this song?"

Lyrically, I believe that a song holds different meanings to different people, and you should let it have its own personal meaning to yourself, rather than me telling you what it’s about. But yeah, there’s no particular message, it’s just about having fun and living a certain lifestyle that you tend to live when you’re young and leave home for the first time. It’s not the sort of song that is meant to have a particularly deep meaning. 

Musical Influences and Style

Which musical influences most prominently shaped the sound and style of 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT DISTRACTIONS'? How does this track align with or diverge from your previous work?

All sorts of things. I write songs about all areas of life really. Love life is obviously a big one, but also friends, politics, personal experiences. Many things really. You could write a song about a cup of coffee if you really wanted to. There’s inspiration in all walks of life. 

Production and Collaborative Elements 

Can you shed light on the production process of 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT DISTRACTIONS'? Were there any significant collaborative dynamics or challenges encountered during its production?

Nothing particularly special. Once we are in the studio recording, we listen back continuously to each element & often make subtle & sometimes not-so-subtle changes. With this track we added some more keyboard & synth parts but the heart of the song was the same.

Audience Reception and Impact

How do you anticipate your audience will receive 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT DISTRACTIONS'? What impact do you hope this new single will have on your listeners and on your career trajectory?

We always hope that our audience love what we put out. But that being said, I think it would be wrong to try and shape things in a way that you think people would like. Music is about self-expression so I think you should always make the music that you enjoy most, rather than what you think other people will enjoy. Usually, you’ll find people will much prefer music which is authentic to yourself because people can sense that and relate to it. There’s no point trying to be fake in the hopes of getting people to like you because I think people can see through that. 

Exploration of Musical Genesis

Reflecting on your initial attraction to music, could you elucidate the pivotal moments that propelled you towards forming Wild Horse?

It’s hard to pick a pivotal moment. My brother learned to play guitar well & once I then started to learn & picked it up pretty quickly. Both myself & my brother went to the same “Rock School” club at school, so did Ed who was by far the best drummer in the school. Once we started to play together it just became obvious to us.

Synergy and Divergence in Musical Tastes

How do your individual musical preferences and backgrounds amalgamate during the creative process, influencing the distinct sound of Wild Horse?

We all have a non-genre attitude to music & listen to everything, so we often share new finds & artists as well as all having a great love of all the greats from the Beatles, Stones, Hendrix through to everything today & classical music.

Extramusical Inspirations

Apart from musical influences, what diverse sources - like literature or personal experiences - catalyze your creative output?

All sorts of things. I write songs about all areas of life really. Love life is obviously a big one, but also friends, politics, personal experiences. Many things really. You could write a song about a cup of coffee if you really wanted to. There’s inspiration in all walks of life. 

Artistic Evolution

Can you trace the development of your musical style from your earliest compositions to your current works?

We were very young when we started and our initial main musical influences came from the type of music our parents played, all good stuff, Stones, Hendrix, CSNY, Beatles, Doors, etc. As time went on, we broaden our tastes to just about everything & I think this is clear in our songs, we are not genre fixed & are happy to go in whatever direction feels right.

Audience Feedback Dynamics

In what ways do interactions and feedback from your audience shape your musical creations and performances?

We always hope that our audience love what we put out. But that being said, I think it would be wrong to try and shape things in a way that you think people would like. Music is about self-expression so I think you should always make the music that you enjoy most, rather than what you think other people will enjoy. Usually, you’ll find people will much prefer music which is authentic to yourself because people can sense that and relate to it. There’s no point trying to be fake in the hopes of getting people to like you because I think people can see through that.

Future Aspirations and Ventures

Looking ahead, what new projects or musical directions are you enthusiastic about exploring?

A larger tour that has an international aspect is our main aspiration right now & something we are looking very seriously at.

Musical Beginnings

Can you describe the moment when you realized that music was your true calling, and how did that realization influence the formation of Wild Horse?" 

I think our first live gig would certainly have made me start thinking seriously about it. I was 11 years old & we played in an established music venue nearby. It was packed & we had a great reaction although we were only playing covers. I think the real moment came a little later on after I could see the reaction to songs we had written ourselves.

Creative Process

Could you walk us through your songwriting process? How do you typically go from an initial idea to a finished track? 

I always say every song is different. Some songs can come from a guitar part, a piano part, a bass part, a vocal part of even a drum part. The inspiration comes in lots of different ways. But I’ll always start with creating a song musically. After I’ve got the base of a song I’ll think about vocal Melodies. Then I’ll record a demo at home and spend time trying different arrangements. It’s just having fun and trying stuff, seeing what sounds best. And then at some point the vocal Melodies will turn into lyrics. But that’s something I spend the most time on. That could often take me months. I won’t wire lyrics unless I get a proper and clear inspiration about what to write about.

Performance Energy

Your live performances are known for their high energy. How do you prepare for a show, and how do you maintain that energy on stage?" 

Well, I stay in shape all the time. I’m a bit of a health freak so I’m always working out and eating properly. I always do vocal warmups before a show, and I drink a couple of shots of vodka to clear out my throat. In terms of keeping the energy up, I have a good stamina anyway from staying fit but when the audience reacts well you get a burst of adrenaline that easily Carries you through.

Evolution of Sound

How has your sound evolved from your earliest songs to your most recent work?

We used to be much more centered around an Indie rock sound, we are now much broader, more pop, funk, sole and R&B, no fixed genre.

Collaboration Dreams

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or deceased, who would it be and why?

I don’t know if I have a dream collaboration per say. It would depend on the song. If I wrote a song that I felt like needed a certain artist on it then a collab would be great, but we wouldn’t do a collab just for the sake of having a certain artist on our song. That being said I’d love to duet Wild Horse with Mick Jagger at a show one day, we all love him & has been a massive influence from the first song that got me into music, “Sympathy For The Devil”.

Music Industry Perspectives

How do you view the current state of the music industry, and how do you navigate its challenges?

We were brought up in the Social Media era where streaming is king & so this is our normal. The one thing that never changes is the fact that you have to primarily entertain an audience & get people to want to hear your music & see you play live, to invest in you.

Band's Legacy

How do you want Wild Horse to be remembered in the history of music?" 

We will be very pleased if in the future people listen to some of our songs.

Global Reach

How do you feel about the global reach of your music, and do you tailor your music to an international audience?

We would love a broad global reach but we write what we write & do not consciously tailor anything.

Artistic Satisfaction

What gives you the most satisfaction as an artist?

It's always about live reaction for me. There is nothing better than a great reaction from an audience in front of you, when they know the words to your songs it's just brilliant.

Success Measures

How do you measure success for yourselves as a band?

The aim is to be able to fund our lives purely from doing what we love most, so the day none of us have to have other jobs to support ourselves will be success.

Advice to Aspiring Musicians

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who look up to Wild Horse?

At the very beginning we were told, Rehearse, Rehearse & Rehearse some more. This is very true but more than that, get used to playing to near empty rooms, to not getting paid, to being treated pretty badly by venue owners & learn very quickly that nobody will put an audience in front of you, you have to work very hard to do that yourself & harder still to keep them. There is no magic wand, but the feeling of playing to a packed house & getting an audience singing along to your songs is worth all the hard work & strife.


Wild Horse Socials

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