Formed in late 2004 to compete in “The Mix 97.3 Battle of the Bands”, Bosco & Peck won the competition and seven months later released “A band so mysterious… you’ve never heard of them.”. After a year of pitching the album they landed 2 shows on the Virgin College Mega Tour. The tour publicist introduced them to Dave Natale (sound man for the Rolling Stones) who offerred a three song demo at his studio. In 2007 they competed for “Philly Rising Artist of the Year”. Since then B&P have performed again on the 2007 Virgin College Mega Tour, Chicago's Looptopia Festival, Dewey Beach Music Conference 07 and 08. Their song "I Can't Help" was chosen for channel 6 ABC's Most Memorable Musical Moments and “#9 Train” was featured by NBT Records.
And now on with our interview conducted by Ced of Independent Music and Media.