
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Interview with Dalton Cyr @DaltonCyr

This our interview of the hard working 12 year old Dalton Cyr who just had a CD release party and has been on the Country Pop Rock Tour. 
 " Spreading the message to be a friend and not a bully is something I feel good about. While on tour I met Sergeant Robert Britt. He told us the story about how his beautiful and talented daughter, Sara, took her own life after being bullied. He started an organization called "Sara's smile" and helped us get the message out while we were touring in Mississippi. "

And now on to our interview conducted by Ced of Independent Music and Media

First off, let me just say that it is a privilege to interview you, Dalton. Many people have read your bio and know how you got started in music, but what was that truly defining moment where you said to yourself, "I can really do this?" 

My first feeling that I could really make it big was on my recent tour--that if I really tried I could do it.

It's incredible that you play different musical instruments and want to learn to play more. What instrument is next on your list to learn?

The kazoo:P Seriously, I'm not sure yet, I'll know when I find it.

There seem to be no limits to your talent and we can see you being successful as a mainstream pop star, but are there any independent musicians that influence your songwriting?

 John Mayer definitely. Nat and Alex Wolff are awesome, unique songwriters that have influenced me a lot. Since I went on tour, I've been inspired by Branden Mendoza too.

What currently is your main focus? Growing your fanbase, a Dalton Cyr tour for your latest album, acting, etc.? 

Growing my fanbase.

Enjoy Music by Dalton Cyr

What were some of the challenges during the writing and recording process of your new album "I'll Be There" ? 

Getting enough sleep. lol. Going to school with my day starting at 7 am and ending at 5 pm and then finding the time to write, drive to the studio and record in my off school hours.A big part of your life is charity. What are some of the causes that you give time to and which ones are your favorites? I donate the proceeds from my online sales for my song "Whisper" to the USO. That is probably one of my favorites because it was important to my grandmother and I think it would make her proud to know I was doing that. I also do a lot with Wolfson Children's Hospital. I love working with them because these kids inspire me due to the challenges they face. Some want such simple things that we take for granted like to be able to talk. The Beaches Fine Arts is another organization I've been working with for three years--they support bringing arts to the community and do fundraisers to pay for artists to come and perform for the community for free. And my most recent is from the Country Pop Rock Tour which spread an anti-bully message. We will be continuing our tour in other cities and have been endorsed by Lee Hirsch and The Bully Project: 1 Million Kids. I'm excited about that because it's such a huge problem right now.

Oh yeah, we have to ask this for your teen fans. What is your favorite food, movie, and place to hang out in your free time? 

Tacos or anything Mexican by far is my favorite food. Favorite movie--can't really name one but I really like Adam Sandler movies. Favorite place to hang out is either at the beach or wherever my friends are.

Thanks so much for taking out the time to interview with us Dalton. You have a bright future ahead of you. Is there anything else that you would like to say, in closing?

 I'd like to thank all my fans for your amazing support. You are awesome and I really appreciate you.

Special thanks to Ced


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