
Indie Mastered Playlists

This platform offers an easy way to select the right playlists for your music. Instead of simply choosing a playlist by its name, take some time to listen to the tracks on it. This ensures that your music aligns well, reducing the likelihood of rejection.

The aim is to boost the playtime for all artists featured on these playlists. If you're unable to listen right now, feel free to return later. Everyone needs to support the music here, as this collective effort is key to the success of this initiative!

It's crucial that once your music is included in a playlist, you return and like the playlist to contribute to its growth. If you don't think the playlist is worthy of a like, then consider why you would want your music to be part of it.

Eclectic - ✨Indie Music Monday

What really matters is the music! Enjoy the artists on the playlist. Music Monday by the independent for everyone!

Special - ❤️‍🔥 Of Absolute Importance

Since its inception in 2020, this playlist showcases independent music deeply meaningful to its creators. Initially curated from Twitter conversations among songwriters, it focuses on songs that hold significant personal value for the composer while also being expertly recorded and performed.


Eclectic - Pure Star Power

Playlist of songs powered by the stars! Only what I believe are hit songs.

Eclectic - Melodic Journeys

🎶✨ Calling all musical magicians! ✨🎵 We're curating a stellar Spotify playlist called "Melodic Journeys" and we want YOUR story to be part of it! 🚀 Especially looking for songs that tell stories, all genres!

Pop - Top Independent Pop Acts in 2023

Gaining a spot on this list is quite challenging! To be included, your music must have achieved a position on the Billboard charts.

Rock - Top Independent Rock Acts in 2023

Gaining a spot on this list is quite challenging! To be included, your music must have achieved a position on the Billboard charts.

Country - Top Independent Country Acts in  2023

Gaining a spot on this list is quite challenging! To be included, your music must have achieved a position on the Billboard charts.

More lists to be added soon! Keep checking back!
Please let me know the specific list(s) you believe your music fits best and provide a link to each song you're referring to.

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